Twenty-five years in the auto repair business has taught me that many people neglect their cars. Sure, all car owners remember to get their oil changed, but there are many other aspects to auto maintenance. The transmission is one of the most ignored parts of a car. Here is a story to show the extent of this abuse. I had a customer come to fix a defective sun visor. He didn't even notice his transmission was about to explode. There are several good reasons to pay close attention to your transmission. One of the simplest ways is to totally replace your transmission fluid. We call this a transmission flush. After taking your car into a transmission repair shop to have a flush done you will immediately notice a difference. Your car will run much smoother and more efficiently. A flush also reduces wear and tear on your transmission, elongating the life of your car, and saving you tons of cash in the long run. There are probably plenty of vehicle maintenance Tacoma WAs in your state, so make sure you choose the best one.