How to Recover From a House Fire

Fire Damage – Fires destroy or damage all they can, regardless of the value of the item. The skilled teams at Paul Davis can offer several different fire damage services, like repairs and contents cleaning. That's not all. We also clean up water used to extinguish the fire and provide mold removal. We strive to get any home back to normal quickly after fire damage.

Smoke Damage – The flames are not the only thing that will cause damage to a home. Smoke can find its way into many areas in the structure and inflict varying degrees of smoke damage. We are able to find all affected areas, remove odors, and sanitize the affected areas. Have you dealt with smoke damage? If so, there is no time like the present to talk to your local Paul Davis franchise!

Why Paul Davis Restoration?

At Paul Davis, we are dedicated to restoring your home from the fire and smoke damage you've dealt with. You'll always find prompt service and personalized attention when you call Paul Davis. To learn more about smoke remediation services Haverstraw NY, please contact us today!