What to do During a DUI Stop

No one likes dealing with the cops, whether they are being pulled over for DUI or just answering questions. You have both rights and responsibilities, regardless of the kind of crime being investigated. It's almost always valuable to get a qualified criminal defense attorney on your side.

You May Not Need to Show ID

Many people are unaware that they aren't obligated to answer all an officer's questions, even if they were driving. If they aren't driving, they don't always have to show ID either. These protections were put into the U.S. Constitution and affirmed by the courts. You have a right not to give testimony against yourself, and you may usually walk away if you aren't under arrest.

Even the best citizens need criminal defense lawyers. Whether you have been a drunk driver and pushed the limits of other laws or have not, you should get advice on legal protections. State and federal laws change regularly, and disparate laws apply jurisdictionally. This is particularly true since laws occasionally change and court cases are decided often that make changes too.

Usually, Talking is OK

It's good to know your rights, but you should realize that usually the police aren't out to get you. Most are decent people, and causing an issue is most likely to harm you in the end. Refusing to work with the cops could cause trouble and endanger the neighborhood. This is another explanation for why it's best to hire the best criminal defense attorney, such as homicide defense attorney 97401 is wise. A good criminal defense lawyer can help you better understand when to talk and when to keep quiet.

Cops Can't Always Do Searches Legally

You don't have to give permission to look through your home or vehicle. However, if you start talking, leave evidence of criminal activity in plain sight, or give your OK a search, any information found could be used against you in future criminal defense proceedings. It's probably smart to always refuse searches verbally and then get out of the way.