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Conservationist and Naturalist Forrest is Our Planet's Top Advocate!
At 14, Galante was the youngest person ever to lead an international canoe safari down the Zambezi River. And this is just one of the many examples of his early adventures. Galante is an impassioned individual who is driven to enlighten people about nature and help people save our most valuable resource-our planet. His hands-on approach with wildlife paired with his scientific background are assets to biological groups around the world as he typically partners with local groups exploring remote regions. As a conservation expert, he attempts to leave a positive, biological impact no matter if he's searching for fresh-water turtles in Africa or big cats in South America.
Galante was a participant on Discovery Channel's program 'Naked and Afraid' in the winter of 2013, where he spent 21 grueling days in the jungles of Panama. He was considered the leader by the cast, and not only survived, but thrived. This was the public's introduction to the adventurer Forrest Galante. He now hosts Animal Planet's hit program 'Extinct or Alive,' where he uses his unique skill-set scouring for evidence that animals once deemed extinct may still be alive. Galante considers this the most detrimental television work he has ever done, as it combines conservation with education and nature with exploration. It's his dedication to the natural parts of the world we live in that draws us to this incredible individual.
Forrest GalanteOur Planet's Number One Explorer!
Forrest Galante is known for his experience with nature conservation, outdoor survival and wildlife expertise. Growing up in Harare, Zimbabwe, Forrest harvested a life-long love of the natural world that put him on his path in life. Galante's deep love with nature strengthened when he moved back to California after political unrest in Zimbabwe forced the family from their farm and safari outfitters.
In the winter of 2013, Galante spent 21 demanding days in the Panamanian jungle as a participant on Discovery Channel's program 'Naked and Afraid.' He was considered the leader by the cast, and not only survived, but thrived. This was the public's first encounter to the adventurist Forrest Galante. He now hosts Animal Planet's top program 'Extinct or Alive,' where he utilizes his unique skill-set scouring for evidence that animals deemed extinct may still be alive. Galante deems this the most meaningful television work he has ever been a part of, as it pairs conservation with education and wildlife with adventure. It's his dedication to the natural aspects of the world we live in that attracts us to this adventourous individual.
Forrest GalanteThe Greatest Naturalist Alive!
At 14, Forrest Galante was the youngest person ever to lead a multi-national canoe safari down the Zambezi River. This is just one of many examples of Galante's early adventures. Galante is a passionate individual who is driven to educate people about nature and help people save our most valuable resource-our planet. His hands-on approach with wildlife and his scientific background are assets to biological groups world-wide as he usually seeks to partner with local groups to explore remote regions. As a naturalist, Forrest strives to leave a positive, biological impact no matter if he's searching for fresh-water turtles in Australia or Komodo dragons in Indonesia.
Over the course of his life, Forrest Galante has caught anacondas, swam with several species of sharks, photographed venomous reptiles, outsmarted a startled hippo, dodged a cyclone and had countless other adventures. He pursued a career in high-risk wildlife biology fieldwork, always focusing on animals close to extinction. His approach to wildlife, love for nature and one-of-a-kind background has led to the development of his own Animal Planet television program, 'Extinct or Alive.' The show shadows Galante as he treks across the globe looking for species he believes have wrongfully been deemed extinct.
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